The Future is Bleak – Only Optimism Remains

My favorite radio station is Deutschlandfunk. In the mornings, there are interviews with top politicians, social topics are discussed and you get a little more information about what is going on as compared to popular radio stations. However, listening is depressing. German politics busies itself the whole day with internal quarrels, the CDU is struggling […]

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Food for Thought: What is Wrong in our School System

In my Xing Insider Article “Wir müssen die aktuellen Lehrmethoden auf den Kopf stellen”, I write: “Digitalization is currently challenging us – in our private lives and in our careers. Job profiles are constantly changing, new technologies are created. What our working environment will look like in 20 years is anybody’s guess. We, as well […]

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Free learning or Who Really Needs School

The first results of our Scrum4Schools initiative show that a Scrum-like approach for teaching students actually helps them learn more quickly and with more satisfaction. We will continue supporting more and more schools in Germany and Austria who want to practice Scrum4Schools. However, there are several studies showing that millions of children don’t even go […]

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Start-ups: Playing the Never-Ending Game

In the film “Jerry Maguire”, a sports agent changes his attitude overnight: The dishonesty and cruelty of his business makes him sick to his stomach. After he makes his opinion known and is fired, he becomes self-employed and wants to make his vision a reality: He wants to handle the athletes differently than the sports […]

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